
Gold Award Scholarship at Paul Smith’s College

Paul Smith’s College in New York is offering a $1000 scholarship for any Girl Scout who earned her Gold Award. The scholarship will renew every year and be offered in addition to other scholarships or grants offered by the college.

Paul Smith’s College, set in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, values the characteristics built by Girl Scouts who earn their Gold Award. The college has a strong focus in the environment and hands-on, student-led learning.

For more information on scholarship opportunities for Paul Smith’s College, please visit their website.


2017 Luv 2 Run 5K

Hosted by Girl Scout Troop 1957, register yourself or your team for a race that benefits the Girl Scouts of Citrus GIFTs for Girls program.

On Sunday, February 12, 2017 at the Oviedo Mall, runners and enthusiasts from across Central Florida will run for their love of Girl Scout Cookies!

Participants will receive a t-shirt, finisher award, Girl Scout Cookies, and the chance to win more prizes.

Register now.


Girl Scout Cookie-Inspired Gum!

GSUSA has partnered with Project 7, an innovative specialty treats company that supports global causes in seven areas of interest, to manufacture and distribute Girl Scout Cookie-inspired, sugar-free gum and mints.

Project 7’s Girl Scout Cookie-inspired sugar-free gum (Thin Mints and Caramel Coconut flavors) and Thin Mints sugar-free mints will be available at all 1,800 Target stores nationwide the first week of January 2017, with other retailers expected to get on board throughout the spring.

Each package of gum and mints, as well as the display units, features Girl Scout recruitment messaging, sending our message to millions of consumers.

GSUSA earns royalty revenue from licensed products, which is invested in program innovation to improve the Girl Scout experience for all. Specifically, initiatives such as the Volunteer Toolkit are made possible through licensing revenue.

Project 7’s Girl Scouts Caramel Coconut and Thin Mints gum and Thin Mints mints contain no GMOs, no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and are sweetened with xylitol and stevia.


World Thinking Day 2017: Let’s Grow!

On World Thinking Day, we rally with our global sisterhood to celebrate, connect, and inspire one another to be the best G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) we can possibly be.

When you’re a Girl Scout, you’re part of so much more than one troop, one community, one geography, and that’s part of what makes this journey so unique and so life-changing. Because when you’re a Girl Scout, you’re part of a very special, very expansive network of extraordinary girls and women that spans all the way across the world. And every single one is a force to be reckoned with. Whether she’s in the United States, Italy, Japan, or anywhere in between, one thing’s for sure. She’s a G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ and she’s out to change the world—it’s in our DNA and it’s something to celebrate!

And celebrate we do—every year on February 22 Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from 146 countries (yes, 146!) observe World Thinking Day (WTD) by rallying our global sisterhood around a particular theme, and supporting girls as they travel internationally by donating to the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund. It’s a fantastic way to connect with sister Girl Guides and take action globally. World Thinking Day gives us the chance to honor the incredible depth of our Movement across borders and oceans in a big way.

The 2017 World Thinking Day theme is “grow”—inspiring girls to explore, stretch, and take on new challenges, while celebrating what it means to be part of the global sisterhood that is Girl Scouts and Girl Guides.

Here are three ideas to get you geared up for your most impactful World Thinking Day yet. Remember, this year, it’s all about stepping out of those comfort zones and finding new and unexpected ways to grow, grow, grow. But hey. You’re a Girl Scout, so you’ve got this

Earn your 2017 World Thinking Day badge!

If you’re a Daisy, Brownie, or Junior, you can earn your 2017 World Thinking Day badge by growing in “shine” and friendship, or by taking action to address something that’s important to you, like making your very own badge or planting a “worldly” garden.

And if you’re a Cadette, Senior, or Ambassador, you can earn your award by growing in storytelling, adventure, service, self-awareness, and reflection, or by making your very own badge.

Get the full scoop and list of activities by grade level, and let’s get to growin‘ and earnin‘!

Make your environment bloom! Plant a tree as part of the 2017 World Thinking Day challenge.

As Girl Scouts and Girl Guides, building a better world through environmental stewardship has always been close to our hearts. This World Thinking Day gather your troop and your gardening supplies and get outside to plant a tree, or two, or three! Then snap some fun photos of the activity and post them to your social media with the hashtags #LetsGrow and #WTD2017. Let’s show the world how Girl Scouts are taking the lead to make the environment bloom! It will be fun to see how your fellow Girl Scouts around the world stepped up to the challenge.

Decide on three new things to try with your Girl Scout friends in 2017 and map out your plan of action!

At Girl Scouts, growing is all about trying new things, challenging yourself to embark on adventures, and learning from those experiences to create meaningful change in yourself and in the world.

What better way to celebrate World Thinking Day this year than to gather around with your Girl Scout friends and decide on three new things you will commit to trying together? Whether it’s getting involved in a service project you’ve never done before, visiting a park you’re not familiar with, taking a big trip, learning a new skill, or just challenging yourselves to try a sport you haven’t played yet—there’s so much to choose from.

Once you pick three things, spend some time mapping out a plan of action along with a timeline to make sure you try all three things before 2017 is over. Now, that’s a year full of growth to look forward to!

Have your own fun plans to celebrate World Thinking Day in 2017? Make sure to inspire your fellow Girl Scouts by sharing your plans on social media with the hashtag #WTD2017. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store!

This article originally appeared on 


Last Weekend – Reed Nissan has $500 for your…

Our incredible partners at Reed Nissan have a super-sweet offer to make your car-buying experience even more enjoyable!

If you’re in the market for a new or certified pre-owned vehicle, Reed Nissan will give $500 to the Girl Scout troop, program, or campaign of your choice! Share with friends and family to earn SERIOUS cash for your troop – just present this flyer at the time of purchase.


Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Essay Contest

Honor the Past. Create the Future.

Throughout history, African-Americans have been instrumental to the progress we’ve made together as a nation. In honor of their extraordinary achievements – and Black History Month – we’re proud to offer the Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Essay Contest. High School and College students can enter for an opportunity to win a $5,000 or $3,500 scholarship.

Who inspires you?

Is there a particular African-American who inspires you because of the significant achievements in our society that he or she has been responsible for?

Write about an African-American who has inspired and motivated you, and you could win a $5,000 or $3,500 scholarship. Your essay should, in 500 words or less:

  1. Address how an African-American has been an inspiration in your life
  2. Discuss the contributions of the African-American individual who has served to inspire and motivate you


To be eligible to enter this contest and to win an award, you must be either a high school senior or a college freshman, sophomore or junior and meet all of the following criteria.


  • Be a legal U.S. resident of either Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Texas
  • Be age 13 or older
  • Be enrolled in 12th grade in a public or private school (or home school) located in one of the states listed above
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Plan to attend an accredited college in the U.S. during the 2017-2018 academic school year


  • Either be a legal U.S. resident of one of the following states or a legal U.S. resident (of one of the 50 United States or D.C.) currently attending an accredited college located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Texas
  • Be age 16 or older
  • Be currently enrolled as a full-time college undergraduate freshman, sophomore or junior at an accredited college in the U.S. and have least one year (or 18 credit hours) remaining before graduation
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Plan to attend an accredited college in the U.S. during the 2017-2018 academic school year

How to Enter

Click here to enter the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest between January 16, 2017, and February 28, 2017. Complete and save all requested information.

Choose the African-American you want to write about. It could be someone famous, a relative or a person you know. Just make sure the individual inspires and motivates you. For guidance, review the “How to Enter” instructions and the “Contest Judging Criteria” in sections 4 and 5 of the Official Rules, and be sure your essay is 500 words or less. You can write your essay directly in the application or you can copy and paste it into the appropriate area in the application form.

Review your information, check your essay for spelling and submit your entry by 11:59:59 p.m. Central Time on February 28, 2017.

Winning essays are selected by an independent panel of judges who are not affiliated with Regions. Students with winning essays will be notified by International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS) in April or May 2017. If your essay is selected, you will need to respond to ISTS with the required information. Scholarship checks will be awarded by July 31, 2017.


NASA Recognizes Girl Scout Gold Award

NASA will congratulate Girl Scouts earning the Gold Award with a certificate of recognition!

Girl Scouts who have earned the prestigious Gold Award have the opportunity to receive personal recognition from NASA.

To request a certificate of recognition, one of her many Girl Scout Champions (Troop Leader, mentor, parent/guardian) can apply online or via mail, providing:

  • Full name of the award recipient
  • Full name and mailing address of the requester

Mail your request to:
Public Communications Office
Suite 5K39
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546-0001

For more information, visit NASA’s website.


STEM-Related Gold Award Scholarship!

Provided by the Arconic Foundation (formerly Alcoa Foundation), the Chuck McLane Scholarship is a $10,000 college scholarship awarded to two Girl Scout Gold Award recipients whose projects involved science, technology, engineering, and/or math (STEM).

In June of 2013, GSUSA announced the five year Chuck McLane Scholarship available for Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients. The scholarship program awards a $10,000 college scholarship to two (2) recipients each year, up to a total of ten (10) recipients by 2017. Meet the eight scholarship recipients awarded to date. 

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Girl Scout Gold Award recipients who completed a STEM Take Action Project (project
    involves a STEM field – Science, Technology, Engineering or Math)
  • Recipients who will attend an accredited four year college or university as a freshman beginning in the fall 2017 to pursue and complete studies in a STEM-related field. (At time of submission, applicants may not be enrolled in college yet but will have to confirm enrollment before scholarship can be awarded.)

The parameters and structures of the scholarship include:

  • Scholarships are awarded to Gold Award recipients with an innovative, sustainable
    STEM-related Take Action Project that has significant impact on a community.
  • Strong focus on girls from diverse and underrepresented communities.
  • Recipients must be enrolled in an accredited four year college, beginning their freshman
    year in the fall of 2017, and complete their studies in a STEM-field. (Recipients will be
    required to submit transcripts after their sophomore year showing they are pursuing
    studies in a STEM-related field and have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.0.)
  • Distribution of payments will be as follows: Recipients will receive the first $5,000 for
    their freshman fall semester followed by the second $5,000 for her fall junior year.
  • Scholarship funds may be used exclusively to defray educational costs such as tuition,
    fees, books, and supplies, as well as room and board in a college dormitory.

Application process:

  • Review the scholarship application to eligible Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients.
  • Girls should submit completed applications to their council by February 13, 2017
  • Girl Scouts of Citrus will review the girls’ applications and select up to two nominees utilizing the scholarship parameters.
  • Applications should be submitted as a Word document and the file name should include “First Name_ Last Name_Council Name_2017 Alcoa Scholarship.” A panel of corporate and community leaders will assist GSUSA in choosing two scholarship recipients from the pool of nominees.
  • Councils and applicants will be notified by May 8, 2017.

The nation’s largest G.I.R.L. party is coming!

You’re invited to the largest gathering of girls and women in the world—G.I.R.L. 2017!

What an exciting time to be a G.I.R.L.! This October, join us for G.I.R.L. 2017, an one-of-a-kind event for every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ who wants to stand up, take charge and make the world a better place.

You don’t need to be an official delegate to attend. Whether you’re an alumna, volunteer, staff, or just a big believer in all the amazing things Girl Scouts do, you’re invited to G.I.R.L. 2017! 

[UPDATE 3/15/17] Registration is OPEN for the 2017 National Convention! Make a plan with your Girl Scout crew to join us in Columbus, Ohio for a HUGE girl party!

We’re so looking forward to welcoming you to Columbus, Ohio, October 6–8, 2017. You won’t want to miss out on the events, incredible speakers and entertainers, influencers,leaders and policy makers from across the country and around the world who are joining us to celebrate and advocate on behalf of girls and women.

This is an extraordinary opportunity not to be missed. So don’t wait!

This is your year to reunite with friends, deepen and share your knowledge of Girl Scouts, and help invigorate a global movement of girls, women and men around the theme, “Experience the Power of a G.I.R.L.”Don’t delay!

Learn more at

Troop Tips

Disney VolunteEARS Program!

Girl Scout volunteers who are employed at Disney are eligible to apply for an Ears to You Grant, which opens in January.

Ears to You is a “dollars for doers” program where Disney Cast Members can earn a grant check for a nonprofit of their choice based on the number of hours they volunteer in a year.

Hours must be logged and verified by March 31, 2017 in order to be eligible towards a 2017 Ears To You grant. Girl Scout volunteers – including troop leaders, parent helpers, committee members, and Service Community volunteers – are encouraged to submit their hours as soon as possible to allow proper time to verify and process the request!

Depending on the number of VoluntEARS hours you have logged in the system, you could be eligible for a grant to your chosen charity anywhere from $100 to $2,000! Girl Scouts of Citrus will need to verify your hours, so getting your hours in is critical for you to qualify for a grant based on your 2016 hours.

For more information including how to enter your hours, please visit