Girl Scouts take a lot of pride in our uniforms. Most girls and families are looking to make sure their uniform is in tip-top shape for milestones like bridging or investiture ceremonies, or before public outings like parades or Girl Scout days at ballparks and around the community. Take a look at this helpful info to get ready for a big day.
What is a uniform?
Most girls consider their uniform their tunic, vest or sash. Some events request girls to wear their official uniform, which also includes khaki pants and a white shirt. Girls might also wear a scarf and hat, but these are typically optional. Events that require full uniform are usually flag ceremonies, bridging events, or award ceremonies. Adults commonly wear a Girl Scout shirt or their pins. To be in official uniform, adults wear navy business attire. Along with membership pin(s), women add a Girl Scout scarf and men add a Girl Scout tie.
Does my girl always have to wear my uniform?
Expectations vary from event to event. If you are traveling out to camp or participating in a messy activity, the troop leader might request girls wear a Girl Scout t-shirt instead of their uniform. If you aren’t sure what to wear, ask your troop leader to be clear about the expectations.
Where does everything go on the uniform?
Have you ever heard the description of a mullet haircut that goes “It’s business in the front and party in the back”? That’s also an easy way to remember where different types of insignia go on the Girl Scout uniform. Official awards, like badges and Journey awards go on the front. Fun patches go on the back. GSUSA has diagrams of where all the pieces go on their website.
Vest, tunic, or sash?
It truly comes down to personal preference. If your troop is very active and your girl loves displaying everything she’s accomplished, the space of a vest or tunic might be preferred. Some girls prefer the sash style. Your troop might make a recommendation or want all the girls to match as well.
If girls are bridging to the next level, what insignia should their new uniform have on it?
For the new uniform, girls typically need:
- American Flag Patch
- Girl Scout Council Identification Set
- Troop Numerals
- Membership Year Pins
- Insignia Tab
- Girl Scout Membership Pin
- World Trefoil Pin
Talk to your troop leaders. Some troops purchase uniforms and/or insignia with troop finances to celebrate girls moving from one level to the next. Other troops require that families purchase the uniform sets, so you’ll want to know what the expectations are. As always, use the official uniform guide to make sure you have the correct items for the current age level.