Hi Everyone!
I am so excited to announce that Stacie Simpson Consulting is partnering with Girl Scout of Citrus council to bring you All Things Girl Scouts – A blog and podcast designed to help troop leaders, volunteers, families, and anyone looking to learn more about Girl Scouts. We focus on sharing useful insight and practical tips, plus Girl Scout news updates. We’ll be releasing two articles each week, plus two podcasts each month, and each podcast always has a free downloadable resource to go along.
Some of you may know, I recently was hosting the Silver & Gold podcast, also on Girl Scout topics. Now, Girl Scouts of Citrus and I are teaming up to bring you this blog and podcast super duo. I wanted to take the opportunity with our first article to introduce myself and share my own Girl Scout journey with you all.
I joined Girl Scouts as a Daisy, way back in Kindergarten, and participated all the way though the end of high school and beyond. I earned my Girl Scout Silver and Gold Awards, and I spent a lot of time as a Program Aide, especially at our local camp.
When earning my Junior Aide, I was planning an event with my troop for younger girls and it started to become clear to the amazing adults around me, that event planning and hosting really brought out my leadership skills. I continued to build those skills by volunteering at, and later working at our summer camp, and I loved every minute of it.
Girl Scouts has been guiding my career path ever since. In college, while earning my degree in Youth Programming and Camp Management, I worked for Girl Scouts of Northwestern Great Lakes hosting girl programs on the weekends and I served on the Board of Directors. Since then, I’ve worked in full-time roles at 4 more councils in membership, program and camp, and went on to serve as Vice President of Membership, Volunteerism, and Program, Senior Vice President of Girl Experience, and finally VP of Membership and Marketing at Girl Scouts of Citrus.
Since then, I have left my full-time staff roles in Girl Scout to build my own business, as a consultant for nonprofits, small businesses, and entrepreneurs in areas like volunteer management, training development, project management, program development, and marketing/communications. But I have never truly left Girl Scouts. Many of my clients are Girl Scout councils, and the values and skills I have learned, both as a girl and an adult in the movement, have impacted all of my choices.
The Girl Scout movement has been so much more to me than an extracurricular activity. Through Girl Scouts, I discovered my talents and interests, connected with the most supportive groups of women you could imagine, and became the go-getter and change-maker I am today.
Thank you so much for continuing to join us, and for everything you do for your girls.
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