We Don’t Need A Badge For That!” is a program series where Girl Scouts connect with the community to work on community service projects.
This series is about community service and giving back throughout the year. Girl Scouts of Citrus Council will work with different community partnership to create a Take Action projects, clean-up events, or other services.
This series does not involve a badge or patch, but rather, encourages Girl Scouts and their families to volunteer and help support our Central Florida community.
Just Wing It! – March 24 – 11:00 am to 3:30 pm
The kickoff event to this program series is a take action project. Girl Scouts will be creating and establishing a butterfly learning garden. This is something anyone and everyone can do. Working with Orlando City they will be allowing Girl Scouts to use their land to design, create and build their garden for future events, generations, and environmental gains!
Come out and help us put together butterfly homes, plant flowers, create a peaceful garden for everyone. As teams we will build the homes, paint them and set them in place for the butterflies. Other teams will be planting trees, plants, flowers, and more. Lunch will be provided and an educational session will take place on importance and impact this has on our community. The girls will just need to show up in old clothes and Tennis Shoes and be ready to work.
Juniors can Register Here
Seniors and Ambassadors can Register Here