When I say Girl Scout you say COOKIES!
This has been an amazing cookie season for the girls to learn and complete their 5 cookie skills: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, Business Ethics.
There are a couple days remaining and the girls are almost at the finish line. The girls are looking to their adult volunteers for a cookie victory! That’s you by the way J
Cookie Booth Management
Check your cookie inventory after each cookie booth. Visit your cookie cupboard regularly for additional cases of cookies. Oddly enough, customers really want cookies when they can’t find them or when cookie season is almost over. Funny how that works right?
Encourage your girls to continue selling door to door, at cookie booths and at local businesses.
Promote cookie sales using different booth posters or marketing ideas.
- Fill your Easter basket with Girl Scout Cookies!
- Don’t be a fool on April Fools Day… give a box of cookies to your friends and family.
- Purchase cookies for Teacher Appreciation Month in May.
- Girl Scout cookies freeze well to eat during the Summer.
Cookie Sale Management
Deposit cookie money into your troop banking account after each cookie booth. Be sure to collect cookie money from initial cookie orders and deposit into your troop bank account.
Check the cookie money you have received and provide the girls their remaining cookie balances. Provide receipts for cookie money received. The cookie receipt booklets are provided to your cookie chair at the end of the cookie season.
Check your cookie paperwork for accuracy and contact your cookie chair for assistance or support. It’s important to know your remaining cookie inventory to prepare for cookie cleanup.
Provide the cookie sale ending date to your adult volunteers and girls.
- Cookie Booths end February 25
- Digital Cookie Program ends February 25
National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
From February 23 through February 25 Girl Scouts across the nation will band together to speak as a single, powerful voice to raise awareness of the Girl Scout Cookie Program and increase cookie sales.

Make sure you have plenty of cookie booths this weekend and let your community know that this is the last opportunity to purchase cookies.
For those selling cookies this weekend, There’s a National GS Cookie Weekend Patch you can purchase from the Citrus Council Shop at www.girlscoutshop.com/CITRUS-COUNCIL.
Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro Contest 2018
This cookie season, let’s show them how the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world prepares girls to lead, learn, succeed, and shine – not only for today but also for the future.
Enter the National Girl Scout Cookie Pro Contest 2018 now through April 30, 2018 at www.girlscouts.org/en/cookies/just-for-cookie-sellers/cookie-pro.html