Managing Funds and Bank Accounts
I would advise to make individual cookie deposits for each girl rather than depositing cookie money in large sums. When you record the bank deposit receipt with each girl’s name this can help you track the progress for each girl. There may be questions down the road as to the total amount generated and what was recorded. This can help during that awkward conversation.
You’ll get to know the bank tellers (or in some cases, the Bank ATM’s) fairly well as you make frequent bank deposits during cookie season.
Please… DO NOT keep cookie money in your home or automobile for long periods of time. A week can easily turn into 2 weeks or even a month. A lot can happen during that time, including money loss. So again, just avoid being put in that position.
If you have other adult volunteers helping pool the funds it’s important to have a system in place to track this. Know which adult volunteer(s) have the troop cookie booth money and cash box. Count the cash box change before and after each booth shift. Deposit booth money into your bank account after the booth shifts.
Be prepared and have the cookie deposits in your troop account ready for the 1st and 2nd council withdrawals. Contact your cookie chair or council to confirm these withdrawal dates.
Working with Parents
Parents can be your greatest supporters or make your job harder. From my experience, they really want to help and make sure their girls have a successful cookie season.
Provide troop parents with all the cookie resources available. Encourage your girls/adults to participate in digital (Direct Ship) cookie sales, and remind girls to send emails through www.abcsmartcookies.com
In this digital age, Parents may want to go on different online platforms and sell for their girls or promote that their girls are selling cookies. It’s important to note that this is discouraged as it puts the girl’s personal information out in the cyber world. And in this day and age, that can be a scary notion.
What they can do, is share their girl’s online link. No names, no phone numbers, no emails, no personal info from the girl.
For those working the cookie booths, be sure to thank them. Thank your adult volunteers and girls after each cookie booth.
Keep Girls Motivated
Encourage your girls throughout the cookie sale. When they reach their cookie goal or complete the badge requirements provide them with a cookie fun patch, cookie pin or cookie badge. Give your girls fun cookie items from the Citrus Council Shop. There are mini buttons, pencils, pins, and all kinds of goodies.
I know of some troops who have a cheer they do, when the girls reach their initial goal. Remember to celebrate any and all accomplishments. Look for the positive, and keep the momentum going.
Dealing with failure or slow sales
Now, I would like to say that everyone will have an amazing cookie season, and all girls will sell non-stop. But that’s not always the case. There will be slumps or times when you don’t meet your goal.
Some ways you could help change that would be to:
- Schedule additional cookie booths if you don’t sell out at your initial booths.
- Continue to sell cookies during Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day.
- Bring cookies with you to sell anywhere you go with an adult.
- Resend emails to family and friends asking them to purchase cookies.
- Go door to door selling cookies (with an adult). Many homes are not visited and have not had the opportunity to purchase cookies.
When in doubt, ask your fellow troop leaders, your community or reach out to council. We’re all here to help make this a successful experience for everyone.