We’re only a few weeks out from 2017 coming to a close. That means there are only a handful of Silver and Gold award training dates left. Shouldn’t your New Year’s resolution be to complete the award?
Silver Award:
For Cadettes, the Silver Award training will help guide you step by step through the process of earning your Silver Award. Share ideas, learn the most up to date guidelines and have all of your questions answered.
Prerequisites for Silver Award: Have completed a Cadette Journey + Take Action Project
Training Dates and Times:
December 2 – 9:00am-10:00am Osceola County
December 16 – 9:00am-10:00am Volusia County
December 16 – 9:00am-10:00am Orange County
Parents: This is a GIRL training. Space is limited to the first 5 registered adults. Adult questions will be answered during the Q&A session at the end of the class.
Gold Award:
Are you a Senior or Ambassador with big dreams and even bigger plans? Do you want to achieve the highest award in your Girl Scouting Career? Then you’re ready to take on the most prestigious honor a Girl Scout can earn, the Gold Award. This training will help girls learn all the tools and prerequisites needed to complete a Gold Award Project. Girls will have a chance to discuss money earning ideas and project ideas.
Prerequisites for Silver Award: Have completed two Senior or Ambassador Journeys OR Have earned a Silver Award and completes one Senior or Ambassador Journey
Training Dates and Times:
December 2 – 9:30am-11:30am Osceola County
December 16 – 9:30am-11:30am Volusia County
December 16 – 9:30am-11:30am Orange County
Parents: You will be allowed in training, please keep in mind this is a girl training. Adults will be allowed to ask questions at the end.