Our cookies are on a mission: to help girls learn five skills that are essential to leadership, to success, and to life.
Skill #1—Goal Setting
Skill #2—Decision Making
Skill #3—Money Management
Skill #4—People Skills
Skill #5—Business Ethics
When girls have mastered the goal setting skill, they’ll be saying:
“I know I can do it!”
“We’re all about trying new things and having fun. Selling cookies is about both. My friends and I work together to set our team goal for the season; maybe we’ll donate to our local animal hospital or go on an adventure. Sure, selling the cookies is great. But what we do with the money we earn is even greater.”
Girls set cookie sales goals and, with their team, create a plan to reach them. This matters because girls need to know how to set and reach goals to succeed in school, on the job, and in life.
Go-Getter troops are preparing for cookie season now by discussing goals for the upcoming program, and determining how many boxes/cases they’d like to sell – individually, as a troop total, and at booth sales. Set the stage by encouraging girls to brainstorm what they’d like to do with their proceeds: take a trip, go to camp, pursue a community service project. A basic budget will help determine how many boxes of cookies the team needs to sell to reach their goal.
Pro tip: Experienced cookie business leaders should set a weekly or daily goal for how many boxes they intend to sell, or how many customers they will ask to purchase. By reaching small goals, they’ll be on their way to achieving BIG ones.
Because your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals and develops a plan to reach them…
- She won’t tell you on Sunday night that her science fair project is due tomorrow.
- When the time comes, she’ll be ready to create a well-thought-out plan for researching colleges and applying for scholarships.
What important goals do you want your Girl Scout to set for herself, now and in the future?
Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest
Are you a barrier breakin,’ challenge crushin,’ lead takin’ cookie entrepreneur?
This cookie season, let’s show ‘em how the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world prepares girls to lead, learn, succeed, and shine—not only for today but also for the future—by entering our national Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest from January 2 through April 30, 2018.
Learn more at www.girlscouts.org/cookiepro