The month of November is widely regarded as the start of the “giving” season. Many use this time to reflect on the situation of others and donate their time, money and gifts throughout the community. The efforts are recognized globally and in social media, on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving as #GivingTuesday.
This year, Citrus Council will be making a direct investment in the development and growth of the Central Florida community. The council will be covering the membership fee of any girl looking to join or renew in the Girl Scouts, through Citrus Scouterships. The Scouterships will conclude on November 28, as part of Citrus Council’s culminating effort for #GivingTuesday.
In October, the Girl Scouts of Citrus Council launched their Hurricane Irma Relief initiative, providing Scouterships to girls in Central Florida for the month of October. Although this came about in the wake of Hurricane Irma, it quickly expanded to include those affected by Hurricane Maria. Many were able to take advantage of the Scouterships, but still many more were left out.
In an effort to include as many of the local community as possible and embrace the many families transitioning into Central Florida, Citrus Council has relaunched the Scouterships initiative, open to all girls during this month. For many girls, the Girl Scout experience provides an incredible leadership opportunity and for others a sense of normalcy during difficult times.
To apply…
New Girl Scouts:
- Visit www.citrus-gs.org
- Click JOIN NOW
- Fill out your information & click Continue
- Select a troop OR choose UNSURE, entering ‘Scouterships’ in the comment box
- Select Financial Aid as the payment method
Renewing Girl Scouts:
- Visit MY GS
- Click RENEW
- Select Financial Aid as the payment method
*Does not apply to memberships purchased prior to launch of campaign. Does not apply to adult memberships.
Girls participating in these Scouterships are encouraged to participate in the cookie program and fall product program in order to have a financially sustainable troop. This will allow them to earn enough funds to maintain their membership for years to come. Girls are also encouraged to partake in the ‘Do Anything’ program series, where they will experience and learn about a range of applicable life skills for their continued development.