In the last few weeks, Central Florida has been directly and indirectly impacted by two major hurricanes. Hurricane Irma left many without power during its landfall and still many more are faced with rebuilding their homes. Hurricane Maria did not directly impact Central Florida, but it has impacted many in our community, who have family and friends in Puerto Rico.
Throughout this ordeal, many Girl Scouts, Troop Leaders, and volunteers demonstrated their leadership abilities and took action to help their communities rebuild or collect the much-needed supplies. Countless more organized additional efforts to help however they could locally and abroad.
In appreciation of the compassionate efforts demonstrated by our community and our members, the Girl Scouts of Citrus Council will be waiving the registration fees for new Girl Scout members and renewing Girl Scout members through October 31, 2017.
- Visit www.citrus-gs.org
- Click JOIN NOW
- Fill out your information & click Continue
- Select a troop OR choose UNSURE, entering ‘Irma’ in the comment box
- Select Financial Aid as the payment method
- Visit MY GS
- Click RENEW
- Select Financial Aid as the payment method
The Citrus Council will also be outlining a series of programs, entitled the ‘Do Anything’ Programming, designed to prepare girls for the many adversities they may encounter in life. The ‘Do Anything’ Programming will allow Girl Scouts to prepare themselves in first aide, vehicle maintenance, open fire cooking as well as additional skills.
Finally, the Juliette Birthday Bash is an annual event which takes place to celebrate the life and vision set forth by Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low. This celebration is open to not only Girl Scout members, but to their families as well. This year, the celebration will take place at Medieval Times, on October 28 – Register here.
Given the caliber of devastation and equally demonstrated comradery in our community, Girl Scouts of Citrus Council will be offering a reduced rate of $10 to all Citrus Council Girl Scout members, and a rate of $29.99 for non-members, to attend this year’s Juliette Birthday Bash at Medieval Times.
“…ours is a circle of friendships, united by our ideals.” – Juliette Gordon Low
I registered my daughter on Sept. 29. We are in the Citrus area and were affected by hurricane Irma. When did this campaign with free registrations start? I was told she had to be registered by the end of Sept.
Thank You
Hello Dominic,
The Scout year typically ends by September 30. The decision to launch the Irma Scouterships had to be thoroughly vetted by the board of directors. The announcement was communicated as soon as it was decided upon…October 1st. Internal staff, troop leaders, and community chairs were unaware of the free membership offer until the announcement.
While you have already registered your daughter for Girl Scouts…you can still take advantage of the free renewal and the special pricing for Medieval times.
Thank you for the information. What do you mean by the free renewal? I already paid the money
on Sept. 29th.
Thank you again for responding.
I re-signed and paid a renewal the day before hurricane. I tried to get my daughter Jayde Shairrick renewed but I couldn’t call anyone to renew her. I am wondering if this hurricane relief would qualify refund my money for renew and/or renew my daughter in troop 1390.
We would be unable to process refunds for memberships in lieu of the Scouterships being offered. The renewing members and new members would need to process the membership based on the outlined steps. Although our lines were busy during the aftermath of Irma, you can call our Customer Care at 407-896-4475 or reach out via the following link: http://www.citrus-gs.org/en/our-council/web-to-case.html
I lead a Daisy troop in Easton, MA, and our girls were concerned about their sister scouts affected by the hurricanes. We would love to help by donating any supplies you may need. I think it will help then to visualize their impact if they knew what your needs are and what specifically they can contribute to help your troops get back on your feet. Are there any specific supplies, (scouting, craft, otherwise…) that we could send to you? We know the recovery process could be a long one, and we hope you are on your way back to normal soon!
Maria Ristuccia
GSEMA Troop #62890
Our troop also were not aware of the campaign until after we had already registered, is there any way for girls in the area who registered when they were supposed to, but were unaware of the campaign to have the money credited back? When I registered, about a week and a half ago, there was no information on the registration page that indicated that there might be a scholarship available for my child.
Thank you,
Michal Weaver (Maya Weaver) Troop 280
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