Earn Your Lab Coat is a new program created by the Citrus Council Program Team to give young women the opportunity to explore the fields of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Girls will have unique behind the scene experiences to expand their knowledge and inspire them to think outside the box. Girl Scouts of Citrus Council has arranged several events with STEAM related partners in the Orlando Area such as SeaWorld, Universal Orlando Resort, the Coca-Cola Orlando Eye, Madame Tussauds, Sea Life, and City of Orlando Wastewater Division.
The program is for Cadette-level Girl Scout members only and is design to be completed within a 2 year period. However, for the pilot program, girls will complete the entire program in a year. Girls who complete the entire program will receive a Girl Scouts branded lab coat and a special patch to commemorate their experience!
This incredible opportunity is valued at $350, but Girl Scouts selected for the pilot program will receive a special discounted price of $125.00! This cost includes all program expenses, meals and materials. Transportation to and from the main event locations is not included. Payment is not required at this time. Those girls selected will be required to make a $50 deposit to secure their space in the program by October 4.
This event only has 40 spaces available. All grade levels of Cadettes are encouraged to apply. This is not a troop event, but all girls from same troop can apply. Girls will be selected based on merit of their application process, so please read all questions and complete them in their entirety. Any submission not completely filled out will not be considered.
Deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 26 at 11:00 p.m. No late entries will be accepted. Girls who are selected will be notified via email on Thursday, September 28th by noon.
Please Note:
This is an amazing program and we are requesting only girls with a serious desire to learn and grow in a STEAM based program to apply. Also, those girls selected must commit to the entire program and participate in all scheduled events listed below.
SeaWorld Overnight Adventure – November 11, 2017
Behind the Scenes Day at I-Drive 360 – December, 2017
City of Orlando-Waste Water CON2 Field Trip- January 13th
Day Experience with Universal Orlando Resort-March date TBD
Special Graduation Ceremony- May date TBD
Where do they submit an application for the Earn you lab coat program?
There should be a link below the article that will take you to the registration site.
How do you apply?
Hello Casey…there is a green button at the bottom of the article where you can register.
Hello –
I know that the above information says:
Deadline to apply is Sunday, September 10th at 11:00pm. No late entries will be accepted. Girls who were selected will be notifified via email on Tuesday, Septembet 12th by noon.
But due to Hurricane Irma, I’m sure things have been delayed. Is there a new date of announcement?
Thank you and we hope all are safe.
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