Audition to join the Citrus Singers, a very active group of Girl Scout musical performers (who just released a must-watch parody music video) with shows across Central Florida!
AUDITIONS: The Citrus Singers Girl Scouts Chorus is now adding members to the group for their fall and holiday shows, and future video shoots. 3rd grade Brownie thru Ambassadors. This is a great opportunity to perform around the Central Florida area for community, sporting, and scouting events!
MISSION: To instill confidence in girls thru public musical performance!
WHO: Any Girl Scout 3rd grade BROWNIE or ABOVE who can sing in pitch and has an enthusiasm to perform.
SHOWS:November & December we will perform holiday songs at a number of Central Florida venues. In the spring we will learn and perform pop and patriotic songs. September and October shows are optional for new additions.
AUDITION DATE: LIVE auditions will take place on Sunday September 10th 5pm – 7pm by appointment at 1355 Bennett Dr. #269 Longwood, FL 32750. Email Susie@RealeRealtyCFL.com for appointment time and details.
Have the singer prepare two songs: pop, holiday or musical theatre selections, each about 1-2 minutes long (such as a verse and a chorus, or the last half of the song, etc…). Pick any songs that can be sung with confidence, preferably memorized. (Remember… with any audition… just because it’s their favorite song doesn’t mean it’s one that is best suited for their voice…). They must use a karaoke/back up music track that does not have the lead vocal on it. Try YouTube.
VIDEO auditions are also being accepted. Email Susie@RealeRealtyCFL.com for details on how to submit your video audition.
ABOUT: Chorus rehearses 3-4x per month in October and November, usually on Saturday or Sunday late afternoon such as 4p– 6:30p (TBD). The Chorus currently rehearses in Longwood and downtown Orlando. Girls sing as a group with mics and a P.A. and most will have the opportunity for a small solo part(s). Some girls will sing harmonies and there will be some light movement. This is more of a beginners show choir than a formal choral ensemble (see performance videos).
The singer must sing in pitch and should have an interest in performing. They can be new, but should be enthusiastic about participating.
The Citrus Singers are also now shooting music videos!
For this holiday session we will learn 9-10 holiday songs to perform, plus the National Anthem which we will perform at the Citrus Bowl.
For live audition appointment time or questions please email Susie@RealeRealtyCFL.com
ALSO NEEDED: Adult Chorus Directors in Volusia, Lake and Osceola Counties.