The Gold Award is the highest achievement that a Girl Scout can earn. The prestigious award challenges a girl to change the world – at least her corner of it. This year, 19 girls from Girl Scouts of Citrus were recognized for their amazing contributions to Central Florida and beyond.
There is perhaps no better way to see the mission of Girl Scouting come to life than to hear girls talk about their Gold Award projects. On Saturday, June 10, 2017, Girl Scouts of Citrus honored 19 Girl Scouts who have completed a lengthy seven-step process to solve a problem in their communities.
Girl Scouts of Citrus CEO, Maryann Barry, penned a letter of congratulations to the young women:
“You have achieved a rare and prestigious national honor, establishing yourselves as young leaders in your community and the builders of our future…Today, we celebrate you and are proud to welcome you to the special sisterhood of those who have earned Girl Scout’s highest award.”
This year, Girl Scouts of Citrus also introduced three new Council Awards to recognize graduating Ambassadors: Outstanding Troop, Young Entrepreneur, and Future STEM Leader.
Introducing, the Council Award winners and 2017 Gold Award Recipients!
Elizabeth Abel
Room Redo at Women’s Shelter
Rebuilt a room at the Women’s Residential and Counseling Center, including new lighting, air conditioner, paint, and furniture.
Morgan Benson
Math Locker
Constructed a Math Coach Locker for Kid’s Place Day Care Center at Indian River City Church, complete with games, lessons, supplies, and activities, including teacher materials.
Samantha Brewer
Signage for Stone Mountain Chimneys
Designed signage and landscape features around two historical chimneys at Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta to teach visitors about local flora and legacy of Stone Mountain.
Sarah Brouillard
Tying Lesson Wooden Shoes
Created over one thousands wooden shoes to donate to local schools, daycares, and other organizations that assist kids in learning to tie their shoes.
Caroline Carlton
Non-Profit For Coins Collected at MCO
Partnered with Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Foundation to place donation bins outside TSA checkpoints to collect loose change for a charitable foundation.
Ashley Chase
Hands On Curriculum for Preschool
Collaborated with Firm Foundation Preschool to create a curriculum with hands-on activities for kids, including a health unit that explains the importance of healthy living and exercise.
Maggie Decoursey
Anti-Bullying Summit
Held an anti-bullying summit for girls ages 11-15 with guest speakers; created YouTube video with anti-bullying message to increase awareness.
Francesa DeVito
Created a STEM Portal (thestemportal.com) to inspire students to enter STEM fields; created learning resources and a sustainable week-long STEM camp.
Michaela Issacs
East Wing Rehab at Retirement Home
Re-landscaped the yard at Tuskawilla Nursing and Rehab Center using drought-resistant and butterfly-attracting plants.
Samantha Krell
Recycling at CFLA
Placed recycling bins in each classroom of her high school and educated the school’s teachers and students to increase recycling; received commitment from administration to continue efforts.
Katie Lange
Yellowbrick Road at Clay Springs Elementary
Collaborated with the Physical Education department at her elementary school to create a new activity that teaches children K-5 seven locomotive skills (run, walk, skip, slide, gallop, leap, hop).
Madison Love
Camp Boggy Creek Cabin Family Journals
Created journals for campers at Camp Boggy Creek to reflect on their experiences at camp; journals presented at banquet events to encourage an increase in donations.
Elizabeth Marvin
You Are Beautiful Murals
Collaborated with Hagerty High School to create murals addressing women’s positivity and self-love.
Tess Marvin
Spanish Library at Hagerty High School
Created a Spanish library with fiction and non-fiction books at Hagerty High School.
Annaliese Poliner
Appreciation Workshop and Mural
Held a series of Art Appreciation Workshops for children in grades K-8; created comprehensive guides for all of her workshops for future use; painted a mural on the outside wall of the church.
Judith Wages
Bat Houses at Moss Park
Constructed 12 bat houses and placed them around Moss Park to improve the park’s ecosystem.
Ciara Watkins
Spaying and Neutering Animals
Collaborated with Seminole County Animal Services to spay and neuter 28 animals.
Elizabeth Williams
United Nations Game
Created an activity to supplement geography classes which were removed from Florida’s middle school curriculum; teaches students territorial geography.
Emily Worthington
Emily Cares – Change Florida Statutes Regarding Foster Kids
Advocated for the rights of foster kids through Florida Statute Chapter 39, Paragraph 3 which only requires foster families to provide trash bags for foster children to keep their belongings in.