You’re a Girl Scout Troop Co-Leader. You live for the sound of the Girl Scout Promise recited in unison on Tuesday nights. Your email inbox is full of coupons from Michaels and notes from troop parents. January – March is reserved for one thing, and one thing only: Cookie Time.
So share the fun! Nominate a parent in your troop or a friend (from outside your Girl Scout circle) to start a new Girl Scout troop and you’ll BOTH earn awesome gifts!
Invite your friend to volunteer, and once they’ve formed a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, or Junior troop…
- You get $50 to spend at Girl Scouts’ official online store—sweet!
- Your friend gets awesome resources (a $50 value!) to help them get their troop up and running—so cool!
- Plus, when you double the friends, you double your prize…
$100 for you and a Volunteer Resource Pack for each friend—awesome.
The best part? A toss up between having another friend to help with hauls from the Girl Scout shop or knowing you just made a great match between girls eager to start their adventure and an awesome role model. #winning
Claim your prize
Once your friend joins as a Girl Scout and starts a new troop, you’re ready to redeem your reward.
Offer ends December 15, 2016 January 31, 2017.
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